Friday 21 August 2015


I try to stay happy but feel overwhelmed...
God are you there? 
Please help

Sunday 16 August 2015


I know it's been forever..but kids are off from summer I have no time..
For nothing..
Even when I  go to the washroom my kids follow me..
I am overwhelmed by financial problems..
Everything at the same time..but I stay positive and optimistic..
Things are going get better... And I keep exercising... It's been two month now... Two more to go..

Tuesday 7 July 2015


Yes, I am still alive..what happened?
My older son finished school and is now on summer break..that means I have to entertain two Boys and keep them busy otherwise they will drive me 🍌 bananas.
Yes, I am still hanging there, exercising and watching my food, I haven't lost too many lbs but I lost cm along my waits and body..
That's make me feel happy 😊
Have a great day

Thursday 25 June 2015


Today I did a new training.. Higher level one..I have been postponing it.. And finally did it..
I sweated like a dog, but it is so worth it..
I'm proud of myself..

Following by eggs and tomatoes for breakfast...
Have a nice day

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Still here

I am still alive just getting ready for my training, today is called secret.

Wednesday 17 June 2015


What a terrible day yesterday.. I dont even want to think about it..
Today is the brand new day...and it will be a good one...
Training done,breakfast eaten, now waiting for baby to wake up and heading to baby class..some socializing required... Yes..much needed..