Thursday 5 February 2015

My boys

So my little one-J is 4 months, adorable, happy, active baby boy.
These days he has a cold..poor baby 
He can't breathe because his nose is stuff and wakes up every 2 hours..and wakes me up and my husband..these days is hard..
beauty of motherhood
Luckily, I am on mat leave, otherwise I will not be able to function...
All I have to do is to get up, get my older one ready and drop him off to school..
I love these days no work, no make up needed....
I see other moms with their little ones dropping of their kids too and we all look the same, like zombies, no make up,tired eyes, we do not even have to talk to each other, 
we will look and we know-tough night!!

My older one-D is 4 years and he started JK last September.
He is a super active, happy, smart and bright boy. Very talkative... 
He reached a stage when asks so many questions, most of them starting with WHY..
Yep, and sometimes I just want to say because but I cant , he looks at me with his big eyes waiting for the full answer and if it is too short another why comes in....

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