Wednesday 11 February 2015

Sleep deprivation....

If you are thinking of putting your kids to bed at a different time than usual, BAD idea!!!
That's what I did I decided to go and see my older one dancing Zumba and we skipped younger one bed time. I am thinking or half an hour, no big deal...
I was so wrong!!!It took him forever to fall asleep, and then for whatever reason he was up at 12, 3, and up and ready for a day at 5 AM.
I look: let' s say: it is not my best day, I don't feel like make up either....
I  don't know where I am getting the energy from... to take care of him and my older one when he is back from school...maybe from the air...

My plans today is a meeting with local moms and swimming with the little one, for the first time.
It is scheduled in the evening, so his bedtime is gonna get delayed again...brrrrr

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