Monday 15 June 2015

Hello there,
Weekend passed by nicely some good quality time.
Today is Monday, I started with my usual routine: lemon water, then skalpel 2 training and some whole grain toasts with eggs and my favourite coffee..
After morning work out, I head out to... Yes..another work out...Haha...this  time is a bootcamp for mothers with babies in the strollers...
That was fun.....i Was sweating like crazy..and that humid today did not son actually enjoyed me jogging and pushing the stroller while he just chilled... And probably wondered: why are we in such a rush...Haha
Running uphill and downhill..
And then some exercise on mat on the grass...with babies out...and stretching..My favourite part..

Today, I challenged myself by doing both mg exercise and bootcamp..
I did can too..

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