Monday 1 June 2015


OK, so I started the day by drinking glass of water with  lemon juice since it has lots of benefits, check the link below:

Before my workout I had one banana, I cant really exercise on empty stomach...
I put my baby for nap and now it is my time ...

My workout was called: "Skalpel" by Ewa Chodakowska I found on-line. It is 45 minutes which is reasonable timing and it was a combination of working on your whole body while focusing on belly... yeah .. that  is what I need...

My breakfast:

  • 2 hard boiled eggs and 3 slices of smoked turkey breast 
  • Coffee with sugar (I know but I have to have sugar, otherwise it tastes gross) with milk (switched from cream :))

Water, water all day least 2 litres...

My lunch:

  • 2 whole wheat toast with avocado and tomato, see picture, so goood...

Green tea after lunch, aiming to drink green tea 3 times a day and limit coffee to once a day..let's see if I manage :))

My pm snack:

  • Grapes and Activia yogurt 

My dinner

  • Boiled broccoli with feta cheese (I probably should skip the feta but I love it too much , weak me :)
  • Green tea 

TOTAL CALORIES CONSUMED: 903 calories! What that's it?

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