Wednesday 3 June 2015

Day 3 of " diet and exercise"


Third day is here, I did 3 times a week !!!Yupi !!
Fells great!  And later on in the evening: HOT YOGA-my favourite @Milton, ON
This is where, I really get my butt sweat .. :)))))

The weather is nice and energy is back.
So my meals today:


  • 2 whole-wheat toasts with avocado and tomato 
  • Cottage cheese 
  • Coffee 
  • 2 pieces of pork fried
  • rice 
  • boiled corn 
  • glass of fruit juice 
  • green tea 
PM Snack
  • strawberries 
  • Activia yogurt 
  • Chicken noodle soup 
  • Activia yogurt 
  • Green tea 

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